Many of you know that I go to Crossings. It is a new church plant that has been around for about a year and half. Friends of Mandy and I, Mark and Monica Nelson, knew God was calling them to plant a church with its sole mission of "Helping People Find Their Way Back to God".
What I love about this community is that we don't presume that any of us are there yet, but instead we are all finding our way back to God.
We are in the middle of four weeks where we are having a different person share their "most important question" of faith as the main teaching element. We want people to know that everyone has questions and doubts and the important thing is to not just dismiss them but to wrestle through them. So far two people have shared; Mark - Can we trust the Bible? ,Bill - Who is right? Calvinism vs. Armeniaism.
These may not be your bag but for these two guys these have been the most important questions of faith they have wrestled with. In a couple of weeks my wife is sharing hers. It will be great to see her take others through her journey. If you would like to listen to any of these Crossings does have a free podcast on Itunes.
I know my "most important question" has been, "What is the full gospel (good news)". Is it simply that Christ died so that we have the chance of new life and a ticket to heaven or is it more than that. What I have discovered through wrestling with that question over the past 4 years has changed everything about my life. With out struggling through that question The Restoration House would not even exist.
Has that been your most important question? I can tell you the answer I have come to has everything to do with the Kingdom of God but that is subject for another time.
So what is your "most important question"? Do you have any? Are your wrestling? Are you at a place of contentment? Or is God pulling at you?
I'd love to hear...